World Cruise Map

World Cruise Map
Starting from Fort Lauderdale, FL on December 19, 2024

Friday, February 7, 2025


This morning we arrived at the port of Mooloolaba.  Nothing to report yet, as we have not yet gone ashore.  I just wanted to say “moo-LOO-la-baa.”  More later from Australia’s Sunshine Coast…

Okay, so we’re back on ship after a full day in Mooloolaba, which is rather like Bar Harbor:  lots of shops and lots of nice houses on the water.  The Viking Sky anchored out, and we tendered in over very rough seas.  In town, we found all the requisite tourist attractions.

Our excursion was aboard the “Spray of the Coral Coast,” a lovingly restored sailing vessel built in 1908 and modeled after the boat used by Joshua Slocum to circumnavigate the globe.  Fully refitted in 2020, the ship is now listed as a heritage vessel.  Its young crew consider themselves to be the custodians of this vessel and use it to honor and preserve the indigenous culture of the region.  Several canapé offerings onboard featured locally sourced ingredients…things like bunya nuts, smoked barramundi, wattle seeds, and lemon myrtle shortbread.  The skipper even played for us on his didgeridoo.

Tomorrow is another sea day, which we welcome.  Whitsunday Islands the day after.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary, I've never been to Australia so I'm really enjoying your photos and descriptions of your adventures there. Glad to hear you were able to find the pearls to make your earrings! love, Esther


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