Today was a great day even if it was not the day we had expected. Arriving early afternoon, we snagged two seats on the first coach headed for the Cairns Aquarium. Wonderful, wonderful with its dazzling array of sea creatures. We especially enjoyed the Great Barrier Reef exhibit.
While Vann’s photos will be far superior to mine, the visit was spectacular, but it turned out not to be the most memorable part of our day.
Returning from the shore excursion, we decided to take an Uber in search of a rain jacket for Vann. The past couple of days have been soakers, with more in the forecast, so a waterproof jacket is a must.
En route with our Uber, we discovered that our internet connection was lost, and we wondered how, if ever, we could connect with a ride back to the ship. Our dear driver said he would swing back by in 45 minutes to deliver us back to the ship.
Vann found the perfect rain jacket in a matter of minutes, so we were out on the sidewalk well in advance of our driver’s return. A young woman passing by overheard our conversation and offered us a ride, but we decided to wait for our original driver. We wondered if maybe that had been as mistake, but we had faith that our original driver would return as promised. And he did. The entire episode left us convinced that Aussies are the best ever!
Great dinner onboard with charming folks at the nearby tables. Happy, happy!
Big day tomorrow with a 7-hour excursion. Stay tuned!
What a day! I love following along with you.